
Showing posts from October, 2017

Heel. Sit. Stay.

Sooooo remember that time I was going to start running and writing again, right? Well, what had'a happened wuz that I completed a couch to 5K program, ran for a few more weeks with pick-ups included, and then I decided to do a 5K speed test. *sigh* And then I couldn't put weight on my left heel without discomfort. And forget running on it. I rested and iced and heated and rested - except that I was still walking on it regularly for exercise & work. oh, and I rowed...  and all those things didn't help it get better. So I gave up on everything except lifting weights and doing ab routines. I ordered new shoes. And I finally, when the trouble persisted even without running, I went to see The Witch Dr, Dr Rob Green, so he could take a look at it and give me the bad news. only, apparently it wasn't THE WORST BAD news. It was just I figured I'd really hurt it, but as it turns out it was only a mild thing and I have PT to complete and hopefully after I pay